Toddler gay pride shirts

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“HRC is America’s largest civil rights organization working to ensure LGBTQ people are safe, equal and free in every community,” the company claims. J.Crew has revealed its “Love First” collection on its website, a selection of T-shirts, socks, and a tote bag featuring the phrases “love first” and “love to all.” Some of the items feature a rainbow motif, while others are adorned with the logo and the color scheme of the left-wing lobbying group Human Rights Campaign, to whom the company is donating 50% of the items’ purchase price. Tell J.Crew: Stop marketing the LGBT agenda to children. ( LifeSiteNews) - A popular clothing retailer is launching a line of rainbow-themed apparel for June’s “LGBT Pride Month,” targeting children and fundraising for a pro-homosexual lobbying group in the process.

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